Thursday, February 10, 2011

Seeker Releases Posthumous EP

by Richard Crenwelge

Not all members of the hardcore band Seeker live in Austin, but the majority of them do, so we could justifiably put them in the category of "local band".  Although Seeker hasn't played in quite some time, and have officially broken up, they just released a posthumous EP of songs for free download online, and it is easily one of the better hardcore records that I have heard come out of Austin.  Take a listen:

The riffs are a little more complex than most bands that try to emulate this style, hearkening back to a time in the 90s when hardcore began to develop from simply hard-and-fast to something with more musical depth and layering.  With Seeker, you could perhaps make the connection to bands like Bold, Beyond, or even later Bad Brains, but what I really hear going on is something more akin to the post-hardcore current started by Supertouch, along with a little Quicksand.  It's an interesting mix that, while not entirely original (and I don't mean that in a bad way), is true to its roots, and it simply works.

There is a lot of history floating around in the creative works of Seeker, as well.  Singer David Horn has fronted several Texas-based hardcore bands over the years, including the Houston group Where We Stand, along with Vitality!, which is one of my personal favorites.  Vitality! was bright, positive, and rather poppy, along the lines of Dag Nasty and Mouthpiece, but like those bands, the positive message was not too saccharine or insincere.  Recently, David actually moved to Africa to perform volunteer work with kids, and a blog about his adventures in Africa can be found at  It really challenges you to step outside of your comfort zone.

Guitarist Gjared Robinson is no slack, either, and he has played in numerous bands around Texas, such as Layin' It Down.  Gjared is a school teacher in the Dallas / Ft. Worth area, and his riffs are part of what makes Seeker so distinct.  If you were to have seen Seeker live, the personality of his riffs became evident in visual form, as he was quite a showman, often "lost in the music."  Many, many musicians play their entire lives without developing the level of intensity and passion that Gjared brought to his performances.

To sum it up, download the songs at the link above.  Visit  Research the other bands that I have mentioned, and enjoy your local music scene.

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